Awesome Robo Post Recap (11/27/13)


This is starting to becoming a very poor habit, isn’t it? I’ve been largely absent from writing on this blog for some time now, falling back on my loose tantalizing promises of perpetually soon-to-be posted goodies for the anonymous collective hive-mind of the Internet to pick around with its fork. In all honesty, I’ve missed writing for this blog. School and extracurricular obligations have been eating my brain as of late (last semester of Undergrad, and all that), but I’m on my Thanksgiving Break now! I’ve got a sizeable backlog of posts I hope to brush off and get posted, so expect a deluge of new posts throughout this week , including the wildly belated week 7-10 installments in the totally-not-dead-no-really-I-promise Let’s Read The Tor Stories series!

For now, take this batch of Awesome Robo posts as meager reparation for my otherwise absentee editorship,

Whiling away the cobwebs,
